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Clearance & Registration

Exploring the eligibility of your products and designs for intellectual property protection is an essential step to understanding your competitive advantage and rights as a business leader.

To support you, our team at Garfield Goodrum, Design Law conducts full-spectrum clearing and registration services. First we start with the clearing process by making an assessment of whether your intellectual property meets the criteria for protection. Once we’ve established the validity and protectability of your property, we progress to the registration phase. 

The registration process involves filing paperwork with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the United States Copyright Office. We are also able to file international copyright, trademark, and patent applications on your behalf. Registration involves an ongoing dialogue between these offices and applicants. 

Registration of IP rights is often critical and highly recommended for improved protection, especially in light of the limited nature of unregistered rights.

Exploring the eligibility of your products and designs for intellectual property protection is an essential step to understanding your competitive advantage and rights as a business leader.

To support you, our team at Garfield Goodrum, Design Law conducts full-spectrum clearing and registration services. First we start with the clearing process by making an assessment of whether your intellectual property meets the criteria for protection. Once we’ve established the validity and protectability of your property, we progress to the registration phase. 

The registration process involves filing paperwork with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or the United States Copyright Office. We are also able to file international copyright, trademark, and patent applications on your behalf. Registration involves an ongoing dialogue between these offices and applicants. 

Registration of IP rights is often critical and highly recommended for improved protection, especially in light of the limited nature of unregistered rights.

Supporting Your Business with Streamlined Clearance and Registration

For the entirety of your design, copyright and trademark needs, consider partnering with our dedicated team at Garfield Goodrum, Design Law. By taking proactive steps today, you can ensure a safer tomorrow for your intellectual property.